An efficient method to induce regeneration and callogenesis in Crataegus microphylla L.


Department of Horticultural Science, Faculty of Agriculture, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad, Iran.


Background and objectives: Hawthorn as an ethno-pharmaceutical plant has been consumed for 2,500 years. Flowers, leaves and fruits of hawthorn are rich in antioxidant and polyphenols and are popular in the treatment of congestive heart failure. Methods: In the present study, by using various media and plant hormones the regeneration and callogenesis capacity of Crataegus microphylla L. was investigated. The one-year-old branches and lateral buds were selected for explant supply. Single nodes were sterilized in two different methods: either with ‘long-term sterilization’ (ethanol 60 s, NaClO 10%v/v 10 min) or with ‘shorter-term sterilization’ (ethanol 30 s, NaClO 10%v/v 15 min). Single nodes were then cultured in MS or DKW media with different concentrations of BA and 2,4-D. Results: After 10 days, cultured Hawthorn nodes regenerated up to 66% in DKW (supplemented with BA 9.06 μM) and to 50% in MS medium (supplemented with BA 13.32 μM and 2,4-D 2.26 μM). In shorter-term sterilization dark green leaves appeared on small sprouts. A callogenesis of 100% in MS (supplemented with 2,4-D 13.59 μM) was observed at the ends of all explants after one week when nodes were treated with long-term sterilization. Conclusion: This data suggests efficient and novel methods on induction of callogenesis and regeneration in Crataegus microphylla L. with the idea of supporting higher yields of therapeutically important secondary metabolites of hawthorn.
